In recent Dragon Ball lore, it’s Goku’s newest form Ultra Instinct that garnered the interest of Dragon Ball fans due to its potential absurdity. With this technique, Goku is nigh-indestructible, capable of dodging some of the most powerful attacks and even dishing out some of his own without breaking a sweat. And while this has taken Goku and his friends to new heights, gamers who want to experience Ultra Instinct in other games can finally experience the same feeling of awesome in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.
Interestingly enough, attaining Ultra Instinct in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is not as difficult as players think it would be. Rather, the more difficult aspects of the experience include completing the skills needed to fully “recreate” Goku’s current ultimate form. Just how can players attain Ultra Instinct in the game?
Updated August 1, 2023 by Rhenn Taguiam: With May 11’s “Hero of Justice Pack 2” DLC introducing Gohan (Beast), Orange Piccolo and Piccolo (Power Awakening) in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, fans of the game may be interested in knowing not just how to control Gohan’s new power-up character but effective ways of defeating him as well. Goku’s Ultra Instinct might be one of the players’ best shots at beating Gohan’s form, especially with specific pointers such as how to properly use both Ultra Instinct forms for offense and defense, and special ways of using specific abilities to ensure victory.
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What Is Ultra Instinct, Ultra Instinct -Sign- ?
Before players get into the thrill of acquiring the much-coveted transformations for their characters, it helps to acquire some context as to why this form is such a much-awaited arrival in the game in the first place. In the Dragon Ball franchise, Ultra Instinct is an umbrella term for a mental state thought only achievable by the gods. When properly used, its users tap into the Ultra Instinct -Sign- form, allowing Goku to use its signature Autonomous Ultra Instinct ability.
With this, a user’s body parts can move independently of the user’s intellect. This theoretically allows Goku to instantaneously react to any threat with the right move at the right moment. When fully mastered, its users tap into the Perfected Ultra Instinct, transforming them into a white-haired version of themselves. Goku also possesses his own True Ultra Instinct, wherein he lets his emotions run freely during Autonomous Ultra Instinct instead of holding back.
Where Are They In Xenoverse 2?
The much-awaited forms were finally added into the Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 main game as part of separate DLCs. Interestingly enough, Goku’s Perfected Ultra Instinct form arrived in the game first via DLC 6 (February 2018, Extra Pack 2) as a playable character, alongside its signature skills for players to create their own version of the form for their CaCs.
Likewise, Goku’s Ultra Instinct -Sign- form arrived in DLC 14 (July 2022) as part of the “Conton City Vote Pack,” alongside signature abilities and skills that will allow CaCs to tap into their own version of the form.
The Prerequisites
Before players can fully unlock both Ultra Instinct forms, it helps to remember that they need to have the DLC sources purchased first and foremost, as well as to have them properly installed in the game. Attaining the skills for both characters come in different ways, depending on the DLC being talked about.
Given how the Perfected Ultra Instinct comes from Extra Pack 2, players can simply go to the TP Medal Shop to purchase this transformation’s skills in order to add them to their CaCs. Likewise, for the Conton City Vote Pack and Ultra Instinct -Sign-, players have to participate in Parallel Quests to roll for the acquisition of said skills.
Perfected Ultra Instinct: The TP Medal Shop
Players interested in creating their own version of the white/silver-haired Perfected Ultra Instinct simply need to install DLC 6 and go to the TP Medal Shop. When replicating this “look,” players and their CaCs may want to take note of the following properties:
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Super Soul: Ultra Instinct!
One of the most defining aspects of the Perfected Ultra Instinct form of Goku is its Super Soul, Ultra Instinct! This is a Super Soul exclusive to this form of Goku, which activates at 50-percent HP or below. When triggered, this reduces all damage taken from attacks.
Moreover, this boosts the power of all his attacks while increasing movement speed as well as Stamina and Ki Restoration speed. Using this properly can give any Goku a chance to turn the tide of combat. Unfortunately, players can’t acquire this Super Soul for their CaCs. Interestingly enough, this “freely-moving body” aspect of Ultra Instinct is opposite Vegeta’s Ultra Ego, which in turn pertains to a “body moved freely.”
Strike Skill: Soaring Fist
As the name implies, Soaring Fist is a Strike Skill that allows the players to move at incredible speed, rushing toward the opponent for an attack. If connecting with an opponent, this will launch them with a powerful burst of energy. When charged, this can boost the burst up to three times and increase its distance.
This attack is one of the signature skills of Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku, and is a go-to combo starter, especially when players want to rush in for the quick knockout. It’s easily this kind of skill that cements Goku’s status as one of the world’s most powerful Saiyans.
Ki Blast: Divine Kamehameha
Although it seems like a typical Kamehameha, the Divine Kamehameha is a Ki Blast that takes Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku’s energy attacks to the next level. When charging, players can move the joystick to warp left and right for repositioning before firing an extremely powerful Ki Wave. As with other Kamehamehas, the Divine Kamehameha stops its charging process when hit by another opponent.
Ultimate, Strike Skill: Godly Display
Perfected Ultra Instinct Goku unleashes his Ultimate Attack in the form of Godly Display, a Strike Skill. Similar to the anime, this will have Goku approach the opponent and, in a flash, attack them with a flurry of blows. As with the anime’s performance, Goku bypasses any attempts of opponents to dodge his attacks. This attack finishes with a Ki Blast that increases in power the more Ki players have left when initiating this move.
Combat Tips: Perfected Ultra Instinct
Acquiring Perfected Ultra Instinct in Xenoverse 2 means acquiring the pinnacle of Goku’s current forms. Unlike -Sign-, Perfected Ultra Instinct capitalizes on hard defense and timing, ensuring enemies get punished before they get a chance to counter. When using this Ultra Instinct variant, fans need to consider the following gameplay adjustments.
- Get Burst Charge for the guaranteed Ki Charge: Players who want to capitalize on a Ki-reliant character like Goku (PUI) should get Burst Charge (Super Move) instead of slow-starters such as Ultimate Charge (Super Move), as their high charge only works if enemies let players use this ability. With Burst Charge, players get a Super Move that becomes a fast-acting charge slowing down over time, giving them fewer but more substantial Ki at the onset.
- Sign of Awakening maximizes damage: Despite Goku (PUI) having many Ultimate Attack options from his presets, Sign of Awakening is perhaps ideal for his fast-paced kit. This move begins with a rush-vanish before starting a 21-hit assault, capping with a blue energy ball that can deal as much as 40% damage on hit. Adding input to appear behind the opponent before the attack makes this Ki Blast Ultimate quite flexible.
- Manage auto-dodges: While Goku (PUI) boasts an auto-dodging ability, many players may find their combos tricky to work with when the CPU takes over to pull off the automatic dodge. Players using Goku (PUI) should find ways to work around this feature, as this can often interrupt an aggressive fight.
Ultra Instinct -Sign- : It’s Questing Time
Players who want to mimic Goku’s “awakening” with Ultra Instinct -Sign- need to purchase DLC 14 and access the Conton City Vote Pack. Whereas Extra Pack 2 will have the skills immediately available for players to acquire, players this time around need to complete certain quests via the Offline Parallel Quests in order to obtain the skills normally associated with Ultra Instinct -Sign-.
Super Soul: I Think I’m Getting The Hang Of This
One of the best ways to “reflect” Ultra Instinct -Sign- in a CaC is to have the Super Soul associated with it, which in Xenoverse 2 pertains to special “equipment” that are more like catchphrases associated with a character. In this case, it’s the Super Soul called I Think I’m Getting The Hang Of This. To obtain this, players need to finish PQ 151 (Even Further Beyond), where victory conditions include clearing the mission within seven minutes and defeating Omega Shenron and his allies.
Evasive Skill: Celestial Wave
Goku is not the type to get away from a fight, but sometimes he just needs to push enemies away to give him a breather. He does so with Celestial Wave when under the -Sign- form, something he unlocks by finishing PQ 151.
This ability prompts Goku to surround himself with a field of blue Ki similar to a charging mechanic, which then launches into the sky. Aside from being a deterrent against foes who want to get up close, Goku can use this as a light AOE attack on surrounding opponents. This is akin to the starting sequence of his Kaioken finisher against Vegeta, only this time purely a wave of energy.
Super Attack: Spirit Pulse
Goku isn’t always known for his Ki Blasts, but when he does them, he sure makes them a spectacle to behold. In Ultra Instinct -Sign-, Goku relies on Spirit Pulse as a Super Attack. He can unlock this by finishing PQ 151.
With this attack, Goku focuses his energy in one hand and unleashes an attack that pushes enemies like a careless rushdown Vegeta away. Players can use this as a combo finisher to give Goku and his enemies some space in between, allowing players to make adjustments to their battle strategy as needed.
Ultimate: Sign Of Awakening
Players who want to feel as awesome as Goku when he first used Ultra Instinct -Sign- may want to access his Ultimate Attack, Sign of Awakening. To unlock this, players need to finish PQ 154 (Dabura The Loyal? Servant), where players have to clear the mission in under 10-minutes, with players fighting the likes of Metal Cooler, Majin Buu, Super 17, Baby, and Omega Shenron.
True to its name, Sign of Awakening proves to everyone just how much of a force to reckon with Ultra Instinct truly is. Similar to Godly Display, Goku charges forward and delivers a string of attacks on opponents. He also ends the sequence with a huge wave attack that blasts enemies away. With the right input, Goku can actually teleport behind his opponent and unleash the blast from there. This way, he can land a counter on opponents who get a bit overconfident, such as Vegeta depending too much on long-distance defense.
Combat Tips: Ultra Instinct -Sign-
Despite Ultra Instinct -Sign- being an inferior version of the Perfected Ultra Instinct, this more recent DLC Xenoverse 2 Character may prove effective in combat with the right strategy. Unlike its perfected variant, -Sign- is a more hybridized form that bridges Goku’s base kit with those of the more punish-oriented Ultra Instinct.
- Go for more defensive plays: Goku (UIS) fits a defensive role, particularly due to his more balanced stats than the more aggressive Goku (PUI). The lack of the auto-dodge and this mechanic only manifesting at lower health gives players more wiggle room to form more combos with Goku (UIS).
- Sign of Awakening can be evasive: When enemies start rushing on Goku (UIS), he can use Sign of Awakening to pummel through foes. This is especially useful against Power Rush, as Sign of Awakening’s initial rush bypasses the foe’s movement and manages to pull off the rest of the move. This makes Sign of Awakening a punishing evasive for Goku (UIS) in the right circ*mstance.
- Save auto-dodge for later: While it’s cool seeing Goku auto-dodge attacks as part of his Ultra Instinct arsenal, this usually only happens at low health. Players are advised not to fight recklessly just because they have this backup defensive maneuver. Players who know how to work around auto-dodge can easily pummel Goku (UIS).
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 was released for the Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One, Google Stadia, and PC.
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