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Subject: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: Sandy | [ Next Thread |Previous Thread |Next Message |Previous Message] Date Posted: 10:45:31 05/18/22 Wed I just got my first spanking, for the summer. Mom gave my siblings and I a list of chores to be completed. I balked at my list of chores to Mom and I ended up sassing Mom. Unfortunately Daddy was working from home, and he heard me. Daddy ordered to the den, where I had my shorts and panties removed, and went over Daddy's knee. He paddled my bare bottom and thighs to the point that I was screaming and sobbing. Daddy sent me to the corner. After I had calmed down, Daddy made me apologize to mom and said to get started on my chores. I am so sore that I will be feeling this spanking for several days. Has anyone else received a spanking since out of school for the summer? [Next Thread |Previous Thread |Next Message |Previous Message] |
[> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 11:20:29 05/18/22 Wed I have not gotten one yet we always have chore and we have to do them and do them right . We have to keep our rooms clean at all time we are held accountable by sore backsides . I know share my room with Susan she is almost 11 she got strapped by daddy for not doing her chores correctly she got 10 licks with the strap [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 12:51:17 05/18/22 Wed Young Jenna B, Was the strap Susan was spanked with the new two-tailed tawse y'all just got in the mail last Saturday? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 12:59:19 05/18/22 Wed Yes it was [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 07:36:27 10/05/23 Thu Is your bottom sore all day after a bare bottom spanking? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 12:14:17 05/19/22 Thu Young Jenna B, Well, what did Susan say about how the new strap, the tawse, feels compared to the belt? I am sorry she got strapped. Did your daddy give you three girls a sample of what the tawse will feel like? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 15:54:41 05/19/22 Thu Only I took him up on it I got 5 it hurt way more and I think it would be even harder if I earned it he will still use the belt this gives him options making it fit the crime . Unlike some parents on here neither of my parents spank in anger . [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 12:28:05 05/19/22 Thu That is exactly the same kind of strap my dad uses, and he keeps it oiled too. I know exactly how Susan felt getting that strap from her daddy. I beg and cry like a baby and I'm 15. That two tailed strap is pure hell!!! Sorry for the language but OMG it is. BTW I haven't gotten it yest this summer. My brother and I both have chores we have to do every day. We do them. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 13:30:11 05/19/22 Thu I believe in the rod of correction plural i our house it taught me to be like my mom beautiful on the inside like my mom and daddy . Brad daddy has health problems and he canât walk a long way or do anything strenuous like give a hard spanking so his amazing mom does that for him and his younger brothers . Besides as volunteer in church running the Sunday school for 5 to 10 years old . And a paid job at our Christian school as assistant principal she has three boys to keep on the right track she is no nonsense and uses the same type of strap she keeps well oiled I being older would get more licks and harder licks for the same thing . Daddy keeps it well oiled too [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 14:32:12 05/19/22 Thu Dear Jenna, I know all about being the oldest. Sometimes I think my spankings with daddy's strap are longer and harder for me because I' older. Daddy says I need to set a good example. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 15:36:49 05/19/22 Thu That and you are bigger so can handle pain better it is called being age appropriate when spanking . Plus I should set a better example I try too . I babysit my younger sisters now and I have spanked them . Daddy and I like streaming nigh watch on discovery plus it is the first responders in New Orleans working night shift police fire fighters emts . I have a gun in my parents name at a gun range I can only fire there with adult supervision I went to the range with my mom and Bradâs mom I beat them target shooting I want to be N. O.P.D so bad start uniform and become a detective to help people solve cases get bad people of the streets . I live a hour and a half from there and I love that city . The owner of the range is from New York City the borough of Brooklyn the first time I outshot Daddy and him he is retired N.Y.PD a detective . [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 16:06:21 05/19/22 Thu I also know what you mean by setting a good example as the oldest in my family. I do babysit my younger siblings, but I am not allowed to spank them. Daddy got a new paddle. It is a wood paddle but larger than a ping pong paddle. It is as large as a pick a ball paddle. Daddy said that is what he will use to spank my sister and I and he will use the other paddle on my young sister and brother. Now that you are out of scholl for the summer, have either of you been spanked? I was spanked yesterday afternoon for sassing and arguing with Mom. Daddy reall set my bottom on fire. I am still sore today. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 16:13:18 05/19/22 Thu The worst paddle is the bigger school paddles used in the middle and high school level of our high school it hurts like a lot over a pleated skirt a slip and panties it works after 3 licks I was screaming and a lot of tears . It is just worst pain wise I think it works and if your spanking over clothes a great paddle [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 16:35:03 05/19/22 Thu Mom and daddy always spanks us on our bare bottom and thighs. If we are out Mom and or Daddy may swat us on our cloth bottom with the promise of a bare bottom spanking once home. They never forget to spank us. Jenny does your Daddy strap with you laying flat on your bed? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 17:01:43 05/19/22 Thu On the family room ottoman couch laying flat bare from the waist down [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 06:45:47 05/20/22 Fri My daddy does it in his private study. Fully nude face down on a table. He straps my bare buttocks raw and sometimes thighs just below my butt. No spankings since school got out so far. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 09:01:15 05/20/22 Fri Hi Pammi, So glad you are doing fine and no spankings. As you read I have already received a spanking from Daddy since school has been out. Pammi, just curious, do you ever get spank warnings, that if you continue doing what you were doing, you would get a spanking? Have you ever just got a couple of swats, with the promise of a spanking. Daddy just received a new paddle. It is a lot larger than a ping pong paddle. It is the size of a Pickl o Ball paddle. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 11:10:26 05/20/22 Fri Dear Sandy, Yes, my brother and I get warnings. Sometimes dad will have us step into his private study. The spanking table will be cleared off and his strap will be resting on top of his desk. This is enough to bring on tears. Then daddy will give us a warning. OMG Sandy, we take it serious too. It's nice to dodge a bullet but if you don't take it seriously, you regret that. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 09:10:10 05/20/22 Fri That we are all girls means that we can get it in the family room I now share the room with Susan I agreed to let het change room because Mandy the youngest sister teased her a lot . Susan and I dress and undress in our room together all the time we support each other [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 09:29:32 05/20/22 Fri My sister Sharon who is a year younger than me also share a bedroom. We are very close with each other. When one of us are spanked, we comfort each other. We also cry with each other. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 04:52:30 05/22/22 Sun Hi again I share my room with my now 9 yr old sister and our room is usually were we get punished but we also can get taken to parents bedroom as well since that's were mom keeps the main wooden hairbrush she uses...My dad has spanked and paddled my older brother and myself in the basement also usually with hand and then proceeded with ping-pong paddlings this started with my older brother because he'd got to tall to go otk for spanking and he needed more privacy because of those boy things that happened sometimes ð...Recently my mom had let younger sister be in our room when I'm getting spanked and I am now watching ð and assisting in her spankings..we have also recently received a hand âï¸ spanking and hairbrush paddling together for the first time..katie went first after we both got warm ups over pj's and then spanking on panties and bare bottom otk hairbrush paddling mine was next and was much longer and harder than hers because mom felt I should have been more responsible for keeping us in bed and asleep on a school ð« night..this was just this week on Wednesday night but I haven't been on lately to post...We both did the check results in mirror thing together afterwards and neither of us got back into our panties or pj's just to sore ..I hugged her and said I was sorry for keeping her up with me ...Katie said she didn't care about it and mom shouldn't have punished me so much more than her...She's still asleep ð´ now but I'm so in the mood to talk if anyone is on now girls. Sandy or Courtney?? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 05:04:28 05/22/22 Sun It is super hot ð¥ 𥵠here were I live and me and sis have been sleeping in just panties and tank tops air conditioning is on but not that high no covers on hopefully she stays asleep I really need to catch up with posts I've been missing and feeling naughty hehe!! especially since I didn't have a chance after our last spanking together to finish off ðª I'm trying to be discreet about this mmmmmm..xxxxoooxxx Lisa [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 06:25:50 05/22/22 Sun Hi Lisa, Sorry you and your little sister got a spanking. My sister who I share a room with and is just a year younger than me was paddles yesterday by Daddy. I feel the spanking was uncalled for, because sis stubbed her toe on a table in our room. Sis accendently said the word Sh.t and Daddy heard her. We both tried to tell him what happened but he would not listen. Daddy told me to be quite or i would be the next one getting the paddle. Lisa, may I ask you how old your siblings and you are? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 07:49:24 05/23/22 Mon No my younger sister hasn't yet been taken to the basement yet for the ping-pong paddle she's still small enough for otk spankings and can still get them in the living room but more often mom will take her into her bedroom like she does with me..so she can take everything from waist down off after the hand spanking on her panties...Dad has so far only given me two paddlings in the basement since after Christmas ð first one otk usal hand spanking over my panties then afterwards I have to remove them and get the ping-pong paddle and lean over the pool table hands flat on the table for 20 good smacks..then dad let me up to do the normal spankie dancing ð and butt rubbing then he hugged ð¤ me at let have some private time to calm down and get dressed ð again. .Second time last month I taken down again and this time just hand spanking otk on panties and then told to go get the paddle and bend over the table..I asked dad don't you want to take my panties off like always and he said no sweetie you've already been punished enough from mom yesterday and just know by me im just giving you 10 quick smacks and then we're done but if we have to return again it will be longer and harder...My parents don't use belts or straps ever just hand wooden spoon/spatula and hairbrush paddlings..sometimes in summer around pool or family home flip flops are used also owwches on a wet bikini bottom or bare...Final question since your 18 and oldest have you ever spanked any of your sibs like if you were baby sitting or for black mail..lol...I don't peek on my brother but even now we still compare damages just us alone.. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 15:39:42 05/22/22 Sun Hi sandy first off I completely agree stubbing a toe is extremely painful and usaly unexpected accident I've done this multiple times accidentally Barefoot around our pool and sometimes coming back from a late night bathroom break and not turning light on usaly the bed leg owwches...a warning shout out or even a quick Smack on tush..you'd think parents be more concerned about a broken toe or cut nail ...My older brother is 15 turning 16 in August and I'm 14 I'm Oct libra âï¸ and my sister just turned 9 on the 11th this month...My brother and I used to get punished together up until he was around 10 and 11 ..then we got them separately or private if it was just one of us ..we did still compare damages ð ð¢ together but nothing nasty just peeking.. we always had our pants and underwear completely off by the time our punishments were over still do ..but no corner time just usaly sent to room or early bedtime..Sandy feel free to give me a chat when ever you want we all just watched the rangers hockey game go crazy 𤪠so all is forgiven from last night...Lisa [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 16:45:34 05/22/22 Sun So glad everything is fine with you and your siblings. I am 18, my sisters are 17 and 15 and brother is 14. Daddu still spanks us in front of our siblings. it is embarrassing, especially when, relatives or friends are over. Does your oldest brother still get spankings? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 04:35:14 05/23/22 Mon Sandy yes my brother Kevin still gets spanked and paddled...my mom can and will still punish him also but he has to be standing up for her like in the kitchen over the marble island with a wooden spatula after some hand âï¸ smacks and his shorts and underwear are pulled down if my sister or me are around we can peek but mom asks us not to..Because it's embarrassing for him and inappropriate for us to see his erected thingy ...He has a girl friend now and he's been trying to behave so he doesn't have red sore tush and he's a lacrosse player and doesn't want to show in the showers at school..I missed his last 2 paddlings last month because I was at sleep overs and dad second one dad took him to the basement for a private paddling..Sandy does your brother ever get erected while waiting his turn and are you and sisters embaressed to be naked in front of him or if he does...I am spanked at my cousins house also and she is also other family can be also but it has to private and moms spank girls and dad spanks boy family ð¨âð¦âð¦...Sandy so if I was sleeping over your house and I was naughty would I have to be punished in front of everyone else naked with your sister's??? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 06:27:42 05/23/22 Mon Hi Sandy, Hope you had a spankless weekend. Whenever my brother is going to get a spanking, when he removes his underwear, his stiff thingy pops out straight and erect. the first time my sisters and I saw it, we all started to laugh, and Mom scolded us and threatened us with a spanking after his. He gets real embarrass when we are there to watch his spanking. His face gets almost as red as his bottom after the spanking is over. My one sister and I are embarrassed when we are going to get a spanking when he is there to watch. Have you ever peeked to watch your brother get his spanking? What other questions do you have for me? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 08:06:19 05/23/22 Mon One more question you posted that you and your younger sister 17 got spanked together and then went to your room you shared and comforted each other together...after rubbing your sore butts and checking your results have you ever kept panties off and rubbed your selfs in front do you shave down there ?? My cousin and I who is a yr older than me have played together after getting spanked at her house ..she's the fist one who shaved me completely and were more like bffs gfs than cousins so it's really not weird Courtney knows how we do also if you have seen our naughty posts ð ð.. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 08:16:03 05/23/22 Mon Lisa, There were times when my sister and I were both spanked together. We have both layed on the same bed to comfort and rub eanch others sore bottom. We always go without panties after a spanking. We are both shaved down there. My sister and I are very close with each other. After a spanking do you put any type of cream or lotion on your sre bottom? What questions do you have for me? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 10:55:41 05/23/22 Mon Yes sometimes if I get a early morning punishment on a Saturday or Sunday I will usaly cry it out for a while but then I'll get my shower ð¿ towel and go take a nice soothing shower ð¿ sometimes I look in the medicine mirror over the sink at my red sore tush and apply some body lotion on my tush of course the doors locked and shower is started it usaly feels so soothing that I rubb it every were and then get under the shower head to finish off..with shampooing and more body lotion and switch on the hand held shower head make the water a bit cooler and spray my butt with it and front as well...im imbetween classes now ð I'll have to finish with was asking if you and sister ever masturbate together afterwards when soothing each other...that's what I meant with my cousin ð was trying to be discreet thought you mite have caught my hint ð ð mmmm xxxxoooxxx Lisa [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 11:22:06 05/23/22 Mon Lisa, Yes, my sister and i have masturbated together. Normally after a spanking and we are still crying laying on our tummies on my bed, we would rub each others bottom and hope not to get caught putting some cream on to take some of the sting away. We would then turn on our backs and start masturbating and talking about spankings {especially our male friends}, that had been or still spanked. Mom does not mind us masturbating, but if she saw us both on the same bed doing it, i think there would be trouble. As I said, my sister got a paddling the other day from Daddy. After her corner time, I layed on her bed with her, and rubbed her bottom while she was still crying. We were about to both start to masturbate, when Daddy walked in and he was not to happy to see us both laying on the same bed. He told us he never ever better catch us laying naked on the same bed again. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 05:25:55 05/24/22 Tue Thanks for responding ...first off your dad should certainly knock on your door ðª before entering your room especially at your ages ...if you feel like in the future if you both get punished then of course you're going to stay naked for a while but if it's just one of you then the other who didn't should just stay in some loose pj's or shorts easily to slip into and quick response for any interruptions. once you are sure everything and everyone's settled down then proceed at will mmmmm.My mom knows I masturbate also especially after watching ð spankings like my sister but she warns âï¸ me to only in private she has punished me for leaving at the end of my sister's first-time hairbrush paddling and sneaking off to our guest bathroom to relieve my wet panties..she wasn't upset I went to do that she was upset because I was assisting her that first time and I wasn't there to console my sister when mom finally finished with her..together I did come back in time to see her running up stairs bare red tush and I did console her..Mom and I had a chat the next day in her room and I confessed to having to leave so my hand didn't start behind Katie's back..Mom knew I was lying and said I saw you rubbing then you were gone so I got a good long deserved spanking and paddling in her room...Since then I've much more discreet but still do..as long as sis is asleep ð´ ð¤ or already downstairs....after our last spanking together last wensday for being up way past lights out which was my bad ð we both woke up super early and I hugged ð¤ ð« her again she said I know what you do under your blankets im not always asleep like you think it's OK if you want to now as long as I can watch and I'd never tell I promise I told her to lock the door and sit on the end of the bed ð and I rubbed my self took her only a couple of minutes before she got closer and started to rubb her little kitty ðº with me and said please ð don't hide anymore under your blankets..when I was finished I went to the bathroom and when I came back she was in her own bed I said let's get some panties on and get back to bed before mom comes in to get you up for school ð« I'm rubbing one now just telling you this morning sis is already down stairs but she saw me already over my panties I asked her to shut the door and she said I was gonna and giggled [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 08:50:34 05/21/22 Sat I am a new stepmom of four girls our paddle is pickle ball size I spanked all four yesterday for bad attitude about chores . The girls have a great attitude today so it worked . My parents used a paddle that was about the same size I live in Alabama . [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 09:58:18 05/21/22 Sat Lies lies lies lies, and more lies. Go write a story book. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 11:44:40 05/21/22 Sat Hi Tabitha, That is exactly what Daddy's new paddle is. My 17 yr old sister was paddled with it this morning. I think the spanking was uncalled for. She was bare footed and stubbed her toe on a table leg. She said, sh.t and daddy heard her. He came charging into our room and said Sharon Marie, I heard that. He took her in to the den, pulled her pj bottoms down, and over his knee and with knew paddle spanked her bare bottom and thighs. I was amazed how fast her bottom went from white to dark red. Sharon was kicking, screaming and sobbing. She went to the corner still sobbing and her bottom had purple blothes on it. I counted the 15 swats. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 13:18:34 05/21/22 Sat Your Dad is pretty strict about you girls swearing, isn't he? She's lucky your Mom didn't take her to the bathroom for a mouthsoaping... Still I think he overreacted in this particular situation. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Whoops the previous message was from Douglas | |
Author: | Date Posted: 13:21:50 05/21/22 Sat I messed up and put Sandy in the from box ð [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 07:24:50 05/23/22 Mon Douglas, Daddy is strict about cursing. He even gets on to mom when she does, but he does not spank her. Mom wanted Dady to soap her, but he said the blistering spanking she received was enough. I agree Daddy overreacted. When he threatened me to be quite or be next to be spanked, I kept my mouth shut. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 11:48:34 05/23/22 Mon Good choice Sandy, you don't want to be next [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 09:37:32 05/23/22 Mon Are you kept bare while still in the corner? And were you allowed to redress after the corner/spanking, and during your chores? My parents always keep me bare or nude in the corner, and sometimes for chores or the rest of the day, or even longer if I've been really bad. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 10:03:31 05/23/22 Mon Hi Ileena, Once our corner time is over, we are allowed to rub our sore bottoms and get dress. I always go straight to my bedroom and remove what ever I was wearing including my panties and but a loose pair of sweat pants on. Are you a only child, because i would be so embarrassed walking around naked if i had siblings? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 12:00:18 05/23/22 Mon Dear Sandy, OMG that would be absolutely terrible I mean to have to stay totally nude and be around the family. I have to stay in position on dad's spanking table for a while after he finishes a spanking, but I am allowed to dress before I leave his study where he disciplines us. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 12:49:09 05/23/22 Mon Dear Sandy, I feel so badly for you. I hate just my daddy seeing me naked but the whole family?????? OMG Sandy I would DIE!!!!!!!! [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 14:00:47 05/23/22 Mon I know it is embarrassing, but in away you get used to it. i know that is hard for you to understand. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 14:24:07 05/23/22 Mon Dear Sandy, I don't think I could ever get used to it. Just having daddy see me is terrible. I try to be undressed and in position as fast as I can before he gets there but sometimes, he comes in earlier. Like once he came in early to oil up the strap before I got it. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 14:34:30 05/23/22 Mon Pammi, Do you lay flat on your bed to be strapped or do you go across your daddy's knee to be spanked. Pammi how often are you spanked? Does your mom spank you also? Pammi, please ask me questions also [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 07:15:27 05/24/22 Tue Dear Sandy, I do lay flat but on a table in my daddy's private study not on my bed. I would say I average one about every couple of months. Mom does not spank only daddy spanks. Sandy, do you get it fully nude? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 08:03:38 05/24/22 Tue Pammi, When i get a spanking, I have to remove all clothing from the waist down. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> [> [> [> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 09:03:17 05/24/22 Tue Dear Sandy, Lucky you!!!!!!! What position, who spanks, what do they use? [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> [> [> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
Author: | Date Posted: 12:12:40 05/23/22 Mon Pammi It is embarrassing to be watched getting a OTK bare bottom spanking and sent to the corner for thirty minutes with our red naked bottoms on display. [ Post a Reply to This Message ] |
[> Subject: Re: I just got a Spanking | |
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