1. 鬼們之蝴蝶大廈Them, Behind the Door @movies【開眼電影網】
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2. 鬼們之蝴蝶大廈2024-11-01 - 喜樂時代影城-高雄店
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3. 鬼們之蝴蝶大廈 - 哈拉影城
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陳薇(尹馨 飾)帶著女兒(林采潔 飾)為躲避家暴的丈夫住進有自殺勝地之稱的蝴蝶大廈後怪事頻傳。管理員梁伯(馮淬帆 飾)和頂樓的廟公山叔(蔡振南 飾)不斷提醒她這一層樓不太乾淨,如果有能力還是盡快搬走,但是經濟拮据的她暫時只能棲身於此。各種三教九流的鄰居、雜貨鋪有陰陽眼的自閉症男孩阿弟(白潤音 飾),還有那間被再三交代禁止靠近的613號房,一切都令陳薇感到詭異莫名。
4. 南台影城
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5. TVB時裝劇
《金宵大廈2》拍攝花絮Barrack O'Karma 1968 Behind the Scene. 《金宵大廈2》拍攝花絮. 《金宵大廈2》拍攝花絮. 金宵大廈2 奇幻解碼The Making Of Barrack O'Karma 1968 ...
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6. 《鬼們之蝴蝶大廈》Them, Behind the Door 前導預告|上映日期:2024/11 ...
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陳薇帶著女兒為躲避家暴的丈夫住進有自殺勝地之稱的蝴蝶大廈。 管理員梁伯和頂樓的廟公山叔不斷提醒她這層樓不太乾淨,如果有能力還是盡快搬走,但是經濟拮据的她暫時只能棲身於此。 正值鬼門開時,蝴蝶大廈內意外...
7. The 46th Hong Kong International Film Festival Main Catalogue - Issuu
Read The 46th Hong Kong International Film Festival Main Catalogue by HKIFF on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. St...
8. [PDF] 广告页
28 jul 2024 · The costs are mounting, and time is run- ning short, but she and her husband are managing to get by, just barely. When QING. Chen learns that ...
9. Wonderful Guangdong大美岭南 - Facebook
... they would come to Guangzhou for fun next time. In the crowd, a little ... him, and saw a bigger world behind the camera. I also bought professional ...
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